
Welcome to Chuanghong laser!
Focus on the pioneer of China's laser industry
Laser marking machine, laser cutting machine, laser welding machine

Laser marking machine, laser cutting machine, laser welding machine

About Us
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Dongguan Chuanghong laser Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a pioneer focusing on China's laser industry. With its unique perspective and strategic thinking, Dongguan Chuanghong laser Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. aims to provide comprehensive laser solutions and services and achieve the mission of customers!

The company covers an area of more than 1400 square meters, with modern office environment, advanced production equipment, high-quality management and first-class technical personnel.  

The company is based on various types of laser marking machines, laser cutting machines, laser welding machines and other equipment. Its business scope: research and development of mechanical equipment; Manufacturing of metal cutting and welding equipment; Laser marking processing: general equipment repair; Sales of metal cutting and welding equipment; General equipment system (excluding special equipment manufacturing); Sales of mechanical equipment; Import and export of goods; Technology import and export. (except for the projects approved according to law, the business activities shall be carried out independently according to law with the business license)

Contact information

Contact: Mr. Chen mobile phone: 18929436112

Tel: 0769-83123689 email: 593725272@qq.com

Website: klyyyg.com address: Guanghui high tech Industrial Park, No. 788, Meijing Middle Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

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